Nov. 26, 2014

Hayes Valley Artists Holiday Pop-Up Gallery

PROXY is pleased to welcome to a collection of Hayes Valley artists to the auxiliary container at Octavia and Linden for a holiday pop-up gallery. Like the eclectic storefronts that line Hayes Street and the mix of people and puppies you’ll find lounging in Patricia’s Green on a sunny afternoon, the range of art that will be on display can’t be neatly described in a few sentences so you’ll have to drop by to see the works yourself.

The gallery will be open daily from 9am to 7pm  starting on November 26th and its final day of the season will be December 24th. The hours may extend beyond 7pm if foot traffic is good, but the show’s curator Madeline Behrens-Brigham wanted a consistent schedule in order to avoid people seeking out the gallery only to realize they had mixed up the operating hours. She says,  “I’m a firm believer that if you wear high heels to the dance, you don’t take them off halfway.”

A casual artists + community opening will take place on Saturday, November 27th from 5-7pm. There are also plans for Sunday tea-time talks, face painting and whatever else they cook up. Check back or follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for daily updates as the gallery’s programming gets finalized.

Participating Artists:

Tanya Quincy Arcega

John Baden

Madeline Behrens-Brigham

Jarda Byrch

Katie Chapman

Torryne Choate

Patrick Corrigan

Diane Divine

Mitch Durkee

Ivana Filopovic

Michael Godman

Gareth Gooch

Jennifer Marla Harris

Rose Heineman

Joseph S. Kohls

Wayne Kittinger

Z McGarigle

Emerald O’Leary

Tucker Owen

Rhonel Roberts

Smyth Smyth

Earl Speas

Pat Swan

Sarah Young + more*

*Behrens-Brigham was able to convince visitors to the gallery by to be last-minute artist participants in the 580 Hayes gallery earlier in the fall, so the list of artists showing work at the PROXY pop-up will invariably increase.

If you don’t need convincing and want to be a part of the show, or you have other questions, email

The pop-up gallery is made possible with sponsorship by PROXY, envelope A+D, Hayes Valley Art Coalition, and the Art, Culture, and Entertainment (ACE) Committee of the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association.